
ホーム > Membership

JAGH Membership offers an excellent opportunity for you and your corporation to be in contact with other groundwater specialists and hydrologist.

Membership Categories

Anyone interested in the objectives of the JAGH is eligible for membership and may become a member upon payment of membership fee.

  • Regular Member :9,000 Yen per year
  • Student Member :4,000 Yen per year

A regular member who are older than 70 and have made great contributions to groundwater hydrology, development of groundwater project ,and management of the association shall receive Honorary Membership.

  • Honorary Member:not be required to pay membership fees

Corporations, institutions, and organizations which support the objectives of the JAGH may join a corporate member. The level of benefits varies according to the number of “lots” you acquire.

  • Corporate Member:40,000 Yen per lot, Minimum 1 lot per year

Membership Benefits

Regular/Student membership benefits include:

  • Subscription to Journal of Groundwater Hydrology
  • Participation in JAGH training session at reduiced registration fee
  • The ability to contribute an article to Journal of Groundwater Hydrology*
  • The ability to present an oral/poster presentation at JAGH spring/fall meetings
  • *The first author of a manuscript contributed to the journal must be a regular/student member of JAGH.

Corporate membership benefits include:

  • Subscription to Journal of Groundwater Hydrology
  • Participation in JAGH training session at reduiced registration fee
  • 50% discount on an exhibit space rent at JAGH spring/fall meetings
  • Official link exchange between JAGH and your website

Join Membership

  1. Send your application form by mail or fax to the JAGH secretariat
    >> Application form
    Fax: 03-3549-1135
  2. Payment of your membership fee for 1 year

Resign your membership

Resignation form> Contact to JAGH secretariat


Journal of Groundwater Hydrology