NPO法人 The Groundwater Project は,2020年ストックホルム水大賞を受賞したジョン・チェリー博士が主催しています。
※ジョン・チェリー博士は,1979年に出版された地下水の教科書とされる,Dr. Allan Freeze/Dr. John Cherry「Groundwater」の筆者です。本書も Books for You からダウンロード可能です。
The Groundwater Project
Books for You
●BASIC PRINCIPLES (in suggested reading order for visitors new to groundwater topics)
1.Groundwater in Our Water Cycle (in English[Updated:27 February 2022],Turkish and Catalan)
2.Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow[Updated:29 December 2020]
3.Conceptual and Visual Understanding of Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow[Released:20 October 2020]
4.Graphical Construction of Groundwater Flow Nets (in English[Updated:10 January 2021] and Spanish)
5.Groundwater Storage in Confined Aquifers[Released:10 November 2020]
6.Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange[Updated:03 October 2020]
7.Groundwater Velocity[Updated:27 December 2020]
8.Introduction to Isotopes and Environmental Tracers as Indicators of Groundwater Flow[Updated:18 December 2020]
9.Flux Equations for Gas Diffusion in Porous Media[Updated:09 February 2022]
10.Groundwater Microbiology[Updated:03 February 2022]
11.Introduction to Karst Aquifers[Updated:23 May 2022]
12.Variable-Density Groundwater Flow[Released:02 June 2022]
13.Stable Isotope Hydrologyw[Released:08 December 2022] New!
2.Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow[Updated:29 December 2020]
3.Conceptual and Visual Understanding of Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow[Released:20 October 2020]
4.Graphical Construction of Groundwater Flow Nets (in English[Updated:10 January 2021] and Spanish)
5.Groundwater Storage in Confined Aquifers[Released:10 November 2020]
6.Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange[Updated:03 October 2020]
7.Groundwater Velocity[Updated:27 December 2020]
8.Introduction to Isotopes and Environmental Tracers as Indicators of Groundwater Flow[Updated:18 December 2020]
9.Flux Equations for Gas Diffusion in Porous Media[Updated:09 February 2022]
10.Groundwater Microbiology[Updated:03 February 2022]
11.Introduction to Karst Aquifers[Updated:23 May 2022]
12.Variable-Density Groundwater Flow[Released:02 June 2022]
13.Stable Isotope Hydrologyw[Released:08 December 2022] New!
1.Groundwater Resource Development[Updated:10 November 2020]
2.Septic System Impacts on Groundwater Quality[Updated:03 August 2021]
3.Hydrogeology and Mineral Resource Development[Updated:04 April 2021]
4.Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models (in English[Updated:17 May 2022] and Portuguese)
5.Managed Aquifer Recharge: Southern Africa[Released:23 July 2021]
6.Land Subsidence and its Mitigation[Released:10 August 2021]
7.A Conceptual Overview of Surface and Near-Surface Brines and Evaporite Minerals[Updated:11 January 2022]
8.Fluoride in Groundwater[Released:11 January 2022]
9.Electrical Imaging for Hydrogeology[Released:18 January 2022]
10.Domestic Wells /Introduction and Overview[Released:16 March 2022]
11.Water Well Record Databases and Their Uses[Released:16 March 2022]
12.Large Aquifer Systems Around the World[Released:July 2022]
13.Distributed Fiber-Optic Hydrogeophysics[Released:July 2022]
14.Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems[Updated:January 2023]New!
15.The Edwards Aquifer[Released:September 2022]
16.Fractures and Faults in Sandstone and Sandstone-Shale/Mudstone Sequences
and Their Impact on Groundwater[Updated:January 2023]New!
17.Groundwater in Peat and Peatlands[Updated:March 2023]New!
18.Structural Geology Applied to Fractured Aquifer Characterization[Updated:April 2023]New!
2.Septic System Impacts on Groundwater Quality[Updated:03 August 2021]
3.Hydrogeology and Mineral Resource Development[Updated:04 April 2021]
4.Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models (in English[Updated:17 May 2022] and Portuguese)
5.Managed Aquifer Recharge: Southern Africa[Released:23 July 2021]
6.Land Subsidence and its Mitigation[Released:10 August 2021]
7.A Conceptual Overview of Surface and Near-Surface Brines and Evaporite Minerals[Updated:11 January 2022]
8.Fluoride in Groundwater[Released:11 January 2022]
9.Electrical Imaging for Hydrogeology[Released:18 January 2022]
10.Domestic Wells /Introduction and Overview[Released:16 March 2022]
11.Water Well Record Databases and Their Uses[Released:16 March 2022]
12.Large Aquifer Systems Around the World[Released:July 2022]
13.Distributed Fiber-Optic Hydrogeophysics[Released:July 2022]
14.Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems[Updated:January 2023]New!
15.The Edwards Aquifer[Released:September 2022]
16.Fractures and Faults in Sandstone and Sandstone-Shale/Mudstone Sequences
and Their Impact on Groundwater[Updated:January 2023]New!
17.Groundwater in Peat and Peatlands[Updated:March 2023]New!
18.Structural Geology Applied to Fractured Aquifer Characterization[Updated:April 2023]New!
1.Groundwater (in English, Portuguese and Turkish)
2.Dense Chlorinated Solvents and other DNAPLs in Groundwater
3.Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data (2nd Edition, completely revised)
4.Contaminant Transport Through Aquitards:A State of the Science Review[Released:25 August 2006]
5.Contaminant Transport Through Aquitards:Technical Guidance for Aquitard Assessment
[Released:25 August 2006]
2.Dense Chlorinated Solvents and other DNAPLs in Groundwater
3.Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data (2nd Edition, completely revised)
4.Contaminant Transport Through Aquitards:A State of the Science Review[Released:25 August 2006]
5.Contaminant Transport Through Aquitards:Technical Guidance for Aquitard Assessment
[Released:25 August 2006]
1.Wally & Deanna’s Groundwater Adventure… to the Saturated Zone
(in English, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Hausa, Hungarian, Afrikaans and Urdu)
2.Claire and the Invisible Water[Released:July 2022]
(in English, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Hausa, Hungarian, Afrikaans and Urdu)
2.Claire and the Invisible Water[Released:July 2022]