
ホーム > お知らせ > IAH学生会員について




IAH(国際水文地質学会:International Association of Hydrogeologists)の評議員である John Chilton さんから,学生会員に関する下記の連絡がありましたので掲載いたします。


Dear colleagues,

Firstly, if I have not been in contact with you yet this year, let me wish you (a bit late) a happy and successful new year and peaceful and productive 2017. As you will probably know, with a view to building and sustaining the future of IAH, in 2014 IAH Council agreed to a greatly reduced fee rate for student membership. In 2015 and 2016 this has seen a good increase of around 40% in the number of student members. At the end of 2016, our overall membership stood at 4160; part of this growth is due to the increased number of students, who now make up nearly 10% of our members. Obviously not all students who take up membership will continue on to become long-term members of the association, but a proportion of them will want to do so and will become involved in our national chapters and ECHN national groups, our commissions and networks and our congresses.

I am taking this opportunity to write extensively to friends and colleagues who are IAH members in academia and who are likely to be teaching students and come into regular contact with them. For those students who started in September or October 2016, by now they should have a good idea whether hydrogeology and groundwater is the career for them, and now as they come back to their studies after the Christmas and New Year holiday break could be a good time to talk to them and persuade them that membership of IAH is a good investment. We would be grateful if you could do this with your own students. Attached is a small flyer aimed at students which you can use and which could be distributed to students or placed on suitable notice boards. I have extracted the fee table from the IAH website for ease of reference. We also have some promotional powerpoint slides (which are not specifically directed at students) which I could provide you with if you were able to give a short talk to students.

I hope you are able to support us in our efforts to build up the younger professional membership of IAH.

With best wishes,


What does it cost?

ECHN:The Early Career Hydrogeologists’ Network

Guidance to ECHN