About JAGH

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Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology (JAGH) was established as an incorporated association in 1959, with the mission to contribute to the

  • Advancement of the groundwater research, management, protection, development and education.
  • Providing a common meeting place for scientists, engineers, and those who are interested in groundwater related issues.
  • Collection or organization and dissemination of information on groundwater science and technology.

Over the years, the JAGH membership has increased to 864 members (as of May 27, 2011) through extensive activities, such as

  • publishing the periodicals (four per year) and books
  • organizing meetings, symposiums and short courses
  • conducting research on specific topics related groundwater
  • answering groundwater related question raised by general public, and organizing activities to increase public awareness of importance of groundwater resources
  • including scientific exchange among scientists, engineers, educators, managers and regulators.
  • The activities are funded by the membership fee, registration fee of the meetings and donations.